A sign of intelligence

There is a lot of signs you can capture to if someone is intelligence or vice versa.
One sign that you can actually (and practically use) is that, to listen to him speaking.
Intelligent person shows the capability of conveying his ideas and knowledge to another person. Only few brilliant guys can do that.

A professor who knows very technical stuff, but at the same time is capable of expalining those stuff to a normal person shows that he is intelligent. Why is that so?
The first reason is that, an intelligent person can actually estimate the level of your technical knowledge (in a particular field of his), therefore are able to determine which kind of language should he use:- either technical and big words, or layman's term, depending on his audience.
Second, a person who is capable of explaining technical stuff in layman terms shows that he is familiar with the field, therefore he sees everyday object in a different way. In other words, in his own way.
As an example, a medical student should at least be able to explain carbohydrates structural form. A technical person can only tell others about it in a technical way. An intellient guy, on the other hand, as he sees a sheet of a paper on a nearby table.... He approaches the paper, take and crumble it into a form of a paper ball and says, "Imagine, this is carbohydrates.. It has the structural shape of a..." and he goes on explaining it in a way a normal person can see it.
Why is being able to explain things in layman's term is so important? It shows that you are attached to your knowledge, and as you see everyday's object, you see something in it. You see a car's headlight, you ask and question yourself about it.. You see stuff, you ask questions about it.
Not that because you want to complexify stuff, but because of your curiousity. Your brain is bored and it seeks for knowledge.. It seeks for new adventure and a reason: for things should be the way it is, or in an other better way.
The next time you teach your friends, use a way that most people understand first, then you can use a slang which the guy understands.
And, of course these intelligent people need some vacations too... To relax. Their mind, however, keeps consuming knowledge.
As Albert Einstein has said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."
P/s: The image of Albert E. in this post is to be credited to a IZ Quote page.


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